The Missing Link in Workforce Recruitment

Melon HR Technology provides top-tier support to Hungarian businesses and HR professionals, helping them find the ideal candidates on the labor market.

Traditionally, HR-tech innovations have largely served large enterprises, and Melon HR Technology initially developed solutions for major HR firms. Now, with the MelonApp project, we’ve turned this vision into a reality for Hungarian SMEs, offering a system that automates candidate collection for any position.

About Us

Our team at Melon HR Technology, composed of HR experts and software developers, has provided custom software solutions to major players on the Hungarian labor market for over a decade. Our experience in HR-tech, paired with an innovative mindset and a commitment to efficient solutions, laid the groundwork for MelonApp, a forward-thinking platform.

Our Goal

With a dedicated software team and private funding, our mission is to develop an online (SaaS) system that integrates job portals and streamlines recruiting campaigns. Our solution aims to cut campaign costs and HR workloads by up to 50%. Within two years, we aim for 10% of Hungarian job ads to be posted from the MelonApp platform, which will also be accessible via mobile. This tool empowers small and medium enterprises, even those without in-house HR expertise, to effectively search for employees.

Egy toborzó használja a MelonApp munkaerő keresés szolgáltatását és válogatja az állásra jelentkezőket.


  • 2017: The vision for Melon was born.
  • January 3, 2022: The Melon online service launched, with initial adaptation for the market.
  • June 8, 2022: Melon became “”SME-ready,”” enabling non-HR professionals to manage recruitment.
  • Today: Melon is the only fully automated online recruitment solution in Hungary, serving SMEs and HR professionals with cost-effective candidate gathering for recruiting campaigns.

Why MelonApp is the Next Unicorn

Hungarian SMEs play a crucial role, employing approximately 75% of the workforce. We provide them with an unmatched tool that streamlines job postings across multiple platforms, aggregates ideal candidates, and optimizes ad spend. MelonApp, enhanced with AI capabilities, automates posting and candidate collection across major job sites, transforming the HR role into a more strategic function.

Egy munkaadó álláshirdetést adott fel a MelonApp toborzó szoftverével, amely a legújabb magyar innováció, amely segíti a munkaerő keresést. Ezt követően a MelonApp ATS felületén válogatja ki a KKV a megfelelő jelölteket.

AI-Powered Innovation

Melon’s software leverages cutting-edge technology and integrates multiple types of artificial intelligence to automate processes, built on its proprietary knowledge base. By collaborating with both in-house experts and external AI researchers, the company harnesses the vast potential of AI through the following functionalities:

Candidate Data Evaluation: MelonApp automatically processes and analyzes data from candidates sourced through job portals, utilizing an external data-processing service.

Automated Ad Text and Image Generation: Users save time on crafting ad copy or editing visuals, as the AI within MelonApp generates custom text and images tailored to current trends, ensuring unique content for each listing.

Enhanced Recruiting Campaign Efficiency: MelonApp customizes recruitment strategies for each role, drawing from its specialized HR knowledge base. This base is continuously updated by an AI-driven algorithm that monitors campaign effectiveness and adjusts the database accordingly.

Automated Profile Matching: MelonApp assesses candidate data to match individuals to the requirements of each position, ranking candidates in the ATS system by relevance. Future plans include developing an advanced module for continuous, automated data comparisons across various HR databases, enabling real-time querying and learning.

Melon: Poised to Lead the Market Worldwide

A MelonApp okos-toborzó magyar HR eszköz logója.

MelonApp stands out globally with its unique advantage: the service can be tailored to fit any country’s market. The software is adaptable to local languages, cultural norms, legal requirements, and HR standards, allowing us to create customized versions for each region within a larger project.

We plan to adapt and launch the software in Germany by 2025, and preparations for this market entry have already begun with a local professional and financial partner.

Our expansion into the German market will be supported by our ongoing crowdfunding campaign, while we continue to develop a solid network of connections in the region.

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