You still have the chance to join the MelonApp project!

Our Community Funding Campaign on the Tőkeportál has already been successfully completed, but you still have the chance to join our investor community with a minimum investment of HUF 1 million.

Why is this good for You?

Because you’re helping a long-established and respected Hungarian innovation on its way to international success! Because your investment can achieve a 20-30 times increase in value within a few years at a moderate risk. And because our investors can recruit at a discount with MelonApp.

Why have we launched a Funding Campaign?

To launch MelonApp in Western European markets as quickly as possible.

Our Goal

In Hungary, MelonApp solves the recruitment needs of 2,000 Hungarian companies, and we plan to increase this number to 2 million with our European expansion.

How to Invest?

Our community funding campaign has now closed, but you still have a few more days to invest in MelonApp.
For details, email or call us today!

Visit Tőkeportál NOW and register your investment before it’s too late!

Already using MelonApp? Did you know that as an owner, you can recruit for free?

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